
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Delete Transaction

Loan Performer allows you to delete a transaction that has been erroneously entered. The user must be able to identify the transaction number or voucher of the transaction to be deleted.

How to delete a transaction

To delete a transaction you go to Accounts->GL Transactions->Delete Transactions. A screen that looks as follows will be seen:

The screen has four tabs, i.e., Add transactions, View Accounts, Retrieve Transactions, View Transactions per Account. Click on the Retrieve Transactions tab. A screen that looks as follows will appear:

The above message will appear after clicking retrieve transactions, select "Yes" anyway to proceed to select the transaction you want to delete.

Note that you can also retrieve a transaction by selecting a voucher number in the "Voucher" box. That is if the voucher number was used during the transaction entry.

Then click on the Close button to exit the menu.

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